I'm genuinely surprised that no-one's come up with the most obvious reason for the WT's obsession with masturbation...
They're the biggest shower of w4nkers on Earth !!
what exactly is the cause of the wtbts total obsession with masturbation?.
is there any religion in the world that has printed so many articles on this topic?.
if your feelings are similart to those of luiz, pedro or andre, take courage.
I'm genuinely surprised that no-one's come up with the most obvious reason for the WT's obsession with masturbation...
They're the biggest shower of w4nkers on Earth !!
anybody have the bethal list of banned musicians and songs.
i remember after my sister got baptised she said that the brother who dunked her under told her not to listen to a song, i think it was "new sensation" or something like that which was a popular song for the 80's period.
i remember a lot of songs being banned because of lyrics that had nothing to do with what they thought it had to do with.
Madonna stands out for me in terms of WT memories...not much into her now, but back in the day when she was first 'big'... what can I say? I was young and hormonal...
After having the first tape I bought confiscated by my mother, taken back to the shop and exchanged for a Beach Boys compilation (don't get me wrong, I like the Beach Boys, but...), I went out, bought BOTH the albums that were out at the time (yes, it was THAT long ago), and bought a lockable cash box specifically to hide them, and listened to them on my walkman.
The height of my teen rebellion, that was....
F*** the WT, I say...
what things happened at your meetings that annoyed you?.
was it at a hall ya visited?
did it happen more than once?.
Getting spanked by someone elses parents. That was a real bummer.
Seriously, though, where else but in a terminally dysfunctional environment like the WT/KH would that sort of behaviour be even remotely tolerated? Out in the 'wicked world' you'd feel the long arm of the law - if the parents didn't dispense their own justice first
On the same theme, just wanted to share something that came rushing back out of nowhere for me the other day...I recalled the times my JW mum gave me a thumping - not the simple smacked arse/legs routine, but (as I got a bit older), a real thumping with fists - on the body, never any 'instruments' used, and not hard enough to leave any bruises (as far as I can *recall*), but still...a hell of a thing for a mother to do...last time was 12 (for swearing), though the very last time she touched me was a slap when I was about 14 (can't remember what for now).
Of course, we're all grownups now...I love my mum very much, she loves me to bits, and I'm very lucky to have a relationship with her at all these days for obvious reasons (though I think the legal nicety of never having been baptised made all the difference there).
As I say, a hell of a thing, viewed from the perspective of age, and something that's given me a little understanding (if not unqualified agreement) with the views of the 'no physical discipline' brigade.
That said, given that that sort of behaviour's based on the twisted interpretation of a culture that stoned its own children to death (and which nearly saw me dead in the womb through the blood issue), I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
trev and i both gave up smoking around a month ago.
we didn't tell many people, hoping that would stop those of our friends who smoke from offerring us a cigarrette.
trev has been meaning to quit for a while, and i joined him when he made the attempt to support him.
Hello FODN
I've never been a smoker, but I am a recovering alcoholic, and in many respects, IMHO,addiction is addiction is addiction, especially where physical/chemical dependency is concerned, and there's a few techniques I've picked up in recovery that might be applicable to your problem.
One biggie is the 'one day at a time' principle - 'keeping it in the day' - not thinking about the weeks/months/etc. stretching ahead without a drag - just telling yourself "I'm not going to have a cigarette (in my case, a drink) TODAY", and worry about tomorrow when it comes - similarly, not concerning yourself with how you *might* cope with various stressful life events if and/or when they arise - it's that approach that's taken me through a lot in the years I've been sober, including JW family ostracism, the loss of a very dear relative, and many other stresses and strains.
One other thing - you mention worrying about dragging (pun half-intended ) your partner back into smoking with you - speaking for myself and my own experiences, I learned very early on in my recovery (through JW-related family ostracism when I'd only barely dried out) that if I was to overcome my addiction, it had to be for myself and NOONE ELSE, since other people's behaviour toward can, has, and may still change at any time, and if I pinned my sobriety to that, I'd be done for. Also, I need to remember that I am responsible purely for MY addiction and MY recovery - noone else's - and that others are solely responsible for theirs.
A long-time sober man once said to me that he was always careful never to 'share beyond his experience', so I'll take his advice and leave it there - as I say, hopefully you might find the above principles helpful. It might also be worth looking up Allen Carr's book - he's apparently done great things with smoking.
I wish you the very best.
i just heard that two of the fathers of childhood friends of mine, one of them the first boy i ever loved, and the other the head of a good catholic family with eight kids who lived across the street from us, died within days of each other.
im my mind, those families are frozen in time about 35 years ago when i last saw any of them, and i couldnt conceive of them being gone.. i dont know why but those two men being gone really got to me.
i wasnt close to them or anything but it brought home the very real thought that my own parents are going to go soon...and leave me and my two sibs on the planet to carry on.
I don't post here very often (though I lurk every day) and haven't really got to know you or anyone else here first hand, so I hope you won't think it presumptuous of me if I offer you a (((cyberhug))). I've no great words of wisdom to impart - all I can say is that I hear you and very much feel for both you and your mother.
For me, the whole business of coming to terms with the idea of mortality (one's own and that of one's nearest and dearest) has been one of the hardest 'exit issues' to deal with. In my mid-thirties I suppose I'm still relatively young, although I've already lived long enough to see the end of an entire generation of my family with the death of my paternal grandfather (who I became quite close to over the last few years of his life) a little over three years ago.
Now we've all 'moved along a place' in the scheme of the things - my parents are the 'family elders' now and my father is pushing 70, and the prospect of eventually losing him (and my mother) is starting to loom noticeably for me.
I know none of us can tell how the future will pan out, but I'm the youngest in my family by a number of years so, in theory at least, there's a fair likelihood that I will be 'last to go'...I can only barely begin to imagine the sense of loss and isolation your mother must be suffering.
Yes, for those of us who left the Tower (and for many still in), these creeping 'intimations of mortality' have been a rude awakening indeed.
As for what lies after...I'll leave that in the hands of whatever Powers may be...to quote a cracking line from Terry Pratchett:
"I commend my soul to any god that can find it."
((((((LovesDubs & Mum))))))
i've heard of men over the years complain about crazy chicks, but they don't always explain.
so here's the chance:.
what makes a girl/women crazy or psycho in your eyes?
Picking up on what IP_SEC said, what is it with women and cats?! Time after time after time, whenever you see the animal welfare/public health bods storming some crumbling, mouldy old hovel on TV, it's always, but always some half (or completely) mad, manky old crone with 300 cats and cat$h!t knee-deep all over the house...
There's even one in my small home town... looks as if the same net curtains have been up at the windows since the house was built back in Victorian times - and the windows don't look as if they've been cleaned since they were put in, either...
(An aside - with old men, it seems to be an accumulation of junk, newspapers and general filth [JWD women, en masse: "so what's the difference between them and young men?!" ] ....but they may have a point - whenever I visit a certain, long-term single (go figure) friend of mine, you can barely see the living-room floor - I refer to him affectionately as 'Mr. Trebus' (a 'Brits-only' reference there, I'm afraid))
Anyway, back to the subject... for my money, if any female over the age of about... ooh, 13 or so maintains a substantial collection of soft toys - and especially if she has them arranged on her bed - that's when I start hearing 'The Cuckoo Waltz' (Laurel & Hardy) and begin backing away very slowly....
dad came down this weekend to party with my brothers and i....... we have this huge on going july 4th party(all weekend) in my town called "river front rendezvous".
everyone goes for the food, beer, and bands.
little big town(country band) firehouse(go to love the 80's) were just a few that played there.
Ah, those famous last words: "Never again - until the next time", eh? Have one for me - though, going by those pictures, it looks as if you've had my share already
Cardinal Fang, also a member of the "vicarious drinker" class
dad came down this weekend to party with my brothers and i....... we have this huge on going july 4th party(all weekend) in my town called "river front rendezvous".
everyone goes for the food, beer, and bands.
little big town(country band) firehouse(go to love the 80's) were just a few that played there.
Well, as they say where I come from, "Hell mend you!"
(NB: Can't/don't drink - don't mind others drinking, but seriously drunken people can cause major rectal discomfort (and I should know ). Scots expat currently living/studying in major English city - relieved that England are out of the footie, for no other reason (honest! ) than that the combination of football and hot weather brought out the local f***tard population out in force - some serious disruption, with police and ambulance sirens going virtually non-stop all day (and night ).
"And peace returned to the valley...."
Cardinal Fang, of the "strictly non-partisan, just want a decent night's sleep" class
did anyone see tonights big brother?
ashlene said some stuff about the bible which was distinctly jw..... she said.... "don't you think that the stuff the bible predicted is happening in our day?
" then she said "the bible condemns many things, like sex before marriage, smoking and other stuff".
Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week...
Or not...
when i first started studying with the jehovah witnesses, although i am a technical, matter of fact type of guy, the thing that got my attention was the genuine love i saw in the congregation (this was in the early 80's).
it made such a impression on me that i ignored some of the serious questions i had about the organization and went ahead and got baptized (i figured things would get sorted out over time and decided to give the society the benefit of the doubt) .
the congregation i went to was a fireball, full of activity and good works and growing fast.
Is it just me, or did anyone else read the title and think this thread was about JWs in Africa?
Seriously though, whatever happened to "not masters over your faith, but fellow workers for your joy" ? To paraphrase the words of the man they claim to follow (but who takes a distant second place to the Org in their estimation):
'they make the word of God invalid by their tradition'...